I can't believe she is so big, (19 mos. to be exact). It makes me sad and then in the same breath happy because she wants to do everything her big sis does and I am going to need her to when thing #3 arrives. She is so happy and so busy, mostly wandering around the house picking things up, finding a new spot for them and starting over. She LOVES babies and no carseat at church is safe when she is around. Yesterday she said "Hi baby!" to the baby behind us probably 30 times. She has been sitting up at the counter and feeding herself for so long but sometimes I still can't believe she is so good at it. It is the cutest thing watching her feed herself-especially applesauce, she's very determined. She is a lot more adventurous than her sister. She will climb up anything and go down the big slides at the park. Her smiles are so big and her excitement when daddy comes home can't be contained. It's "HI DADDY, HI DADDY" for a good 5 minutes. She is talking like crazy (her "geta" is my favorite), does her body parts and animal sounds so darling. And best of all, she still snuggles with mom and I can't get enough. Brock's sister, Lindsey, took these lovely photos for us, so000 adorable.
I'm a little behind, here are some happenings from last month. We had a fun little Valentines party with a couple of my girlfriends and their kids. We decorated cupcakes and made V-day hats, the kids loved it.
My friend Karen and her cute boy.
I attended my first "Scrapbooking Weekend" hosted by my sis-in-law Lindsey at her in-laws ranch house. It was such a fun break and nice for me to get away on my own. I thoroughly enjoyed myself. My sweet husband watched the kids and did a great job, fixing hair for church and everything! Here is the snowman they built -notice the before and after, leaning and then gone.
Finger-painting fun
My mom was also here visiting. I had 2 cousins get married about a week apart from each other so she came out to attended the weddings. She took Greta on her own for a special sleepover with grandma & her 2 aunts. She loved every minute. She keeps telling me if I want my nails painted, I just need to ask Lauren.
"This magic wand's not working, can you get me a new one?"
"Mommy- I'm a princess, can you get me a ball?"
On her play phone "Daddy- can you hear me now?, can you hear me now?"
Upon laying eyes on a sidewalk chalk drawing at the Chalk Drawing Festival, "Can we jump on it?!" (mary poppins style)
Reentering the room or anywhere, "Here comes Greta!"
"No, I be the Mommy and YOU be the Greta."
Riding in the car...."Mommy I'm a super-zero" (translation-superhero) Me-"What can you do, can you fly?" Greta-"Yeeess, but mommy I'm stuck in the car"
Me: "Greta, eat your breakfast or no t.v. and no games"
Greta "Games?? What kind of games? You mean like tag and hide and seek?"
Such a girl....at the end of the movie How to Train Your Dragon she asked me "But where is the wedding?"
Pulling up next to someone driving while dressed up, Brock points out "Look Greta, there is a clown driving that car". She replies "I don't think that's a real clown, it's just a person dressed up like a clown." So insightful.